When I work with clients I often refer to their lives as pieces of a jigsaw and how we need to connect and adjust some of the misplaced pieces.
Today one of my clients who has completed the end of her therapy journey made a wonderful statement when she said
“I had a jigsaw in my head and now I feel like I have joined the pieces together.
That part makes sense now I feel like that part of the jigsaw is cemented in place”.
This is so powerful and when the pieces feel like they are missing or floating around in the atmosphere, just out of touch, the individual feels misaligned and often dysfunctional.
When the pieces are all in place they cannot change the image of the jigsaw…. their journey, but they help them to gain a deeper understanding of the events and how they have played out to have an impact on their lives. This in turn helps the client let go of, some of the hurt, anger despair, loss and all of those emotions that have lead them to enter therapy initially.