Neurodivergence is often different from mental health conditions, like anxiety or depression, because it doesn’t appear suddenly in adulthood or after a pivotal experience Neurodivergent people can also be diagnosed with other mental health conditions. In fact, two of every three people with ADHD have another condition for example anxiety, depression or OCD. It is about […]
Cementing pieces of the jigsaw
When I work with clients I often refer to their lives as pieces of a jigsaw and how we need to connect and adjust some of the misplaced pieces. Today one of my clients who has completed the end of her therapy journey made a wonderful statement when she said “I had a jigsaw […]
5 steps to achieving good Mental Health
Self Care video
Why enter into therapy?
If you’re thinking of entering into therapy read below what a client felt after only six sessions:
“The realisation that I needed help was like a lightbulb moment. Picking up the phone was the hardest thing I have ever done and I could barely speak at the time because I was so upset. The relief I felt afterwards was so overwhelming but I knew it was the right thing to do.
Food & it’s link to Sleep
Food can consume a part in improving your sleep. Especially those that contain melatonin, a sleep regulating hormone and calcium, a mineral that helps the brain make melatonin. This is an example of six varieties of food. Nuts: All nuts are a good source of calcium, however almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts in specific contain […]
Your Triangle
So, what is the triangle and which way up is yours? We are taught by parents and significant others to take care of other people to look after our siblings to be kind to animals, to be a good partner, to look after our grandparents when they are getting old……. and the list goes on. […]
How to make a good habit!
We all want to develop good habits; the ones that will best serve us. We don’t have to remind yourself to eat or brush your teeth it is just a habit. We are very good at formulating bad habits, ones that when we reflect back on, are not helpful or beneficial to our lives. Skipping […]
Three Minute Breathing Space Meditation
This process is available as a written exercise and as a video to suit your preference. Take a few minutes for yourself each day. Step 1: Becoming Aware Deliberately adopt an erect and dignified posture, whether sitting or standing. If possible, close your eyes. Then, bring your awareness to your inner experience and acknowledge it, […]
Working Professionals: Becoming Successful in all Area’s of your Life
Why are some people more successful in certain areas of their lives compared to others? Maybe you know a very successful woman in business whose home life or relationships are a disaster? Maybe you’re successful in business but struggle at home, presenting a perfect home life too as you don’t want to admit failure? I […]