Why go organic


This is an enlightening article from Women’s Health Magazine about the health and nutritional benefits of going organic!!

We as a society are becoming more and more aware of the health risks from pesticides in our foods however they not only have a detrimental affect on our physical but also our mental well-being

While going organic can seem like a difficult and expensive task, here are four benefits you may not know about… and five foods you really should switch up.

Fat burning compounds are 12% higher in organic food than conventional crops. Because of this, researchers at *Newcastle University say that organic food could make you live longer thanks to the “weight loss, or lack of weight gain” which corresponds to eating organically.

Bug-killing chemicals are four times more likely to be in non-organic produce. Additionally levels of Cadmium (a toxic heavy metal found in cigarettes) are twice as high in regular foods and can cause increased blood pressure, bone damage and memory loss. Nasty.

As organic foods aren’t over-fertilized, organic fruit and veg come in smaller portions but are packed with more antioxidants. According to the Soil Association: “A switch to consuming organic crops would allow a 20-40% increase in antioxidant consumption” (that’s equivalent to one to two of your five-a-day). Plus, the benefits come without more calories in, bonus!

Organic food contains 6% more vitamin C, which is needed to fight off bacteria and keep your body illness-free.


Swapping your entire diet to organic can seem overwhelming. But by making some small changes you can see a massive difference. Here’s where you shouldn’t compromise when it comes to organic eating.

1) Meat: Without the exposure to growth hormones and antibiotics, organic meat is less likely to spread diseases and cause resistance to antibiotics.

2) Apples: Non-organic apples have more pesticide residue than any other fruit or veg. The Environmental Working Group found that pesticides were found on 98% of 700 washed apples.

3) Spinach: Spinach typically carries around 50 pesticides on its leaves if it comes from a conventional farm.

4) Milk: Drinking organic means you don’t risk drinking pesticide residue or get exposure to antibiotics.

5) Tinned tomatoes: The lining of tins often contains BPA, which stops metal contaminating food, but can also disrupt hormones like eostrogen and has been linked to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Our health is what keeps our body and mind in balance, you are worth it……

Reference Womens Health Magazine

Article by Diane Pulley

Diane Pulley is a BACP accredited and UKRC psychotherapist and Life Coach having graduated from Warwick university. She has worked in private practise for many years with clients presenting various issues, from trauma, depression, anxiety and self confidence. Diane works with both individuals and couples. Her experience has lead her to work with corporate clients delivering stress management training for both staff and management. Aspire You has been born from a personal journey, of Diane's own marriage breaking down after 28 years, when she identified there is a need to support women through this process and help them rebuild their lives. "everyone has the potential to lead fulfilling lives and i am committed to helping individuals achieve that desire"