This is an enlightening article from Women’s Health Magazine about the health and nutritional benefits of going organic!! We as a society are becoming more and more aware of the health risks from pesticides in our foods however they not only have a detrimental affect on our physical but also our mental well-being While going […]
Smoothies and depression
“While I had wanted to try making smoothies in the past, I never had enough motivation to do so. The benefits were not immediately apparent, but over a period of a few days I noticed I suddenly felt a lot more awake than I was used to, as well as having additional energy for both exercise and […]
The Pots!!!!
Pots I ask you what do you do for self-care? What is self-care you ask? I was not taught that at school, I was taught Maths, English, Science even Religious Education but not self-care, what is it? Well, let me share with you one of the world’s best kept secrets. If you visualise metaphorically you […]
Health and the Holistic self
Have you ever wondered why some people are always ill and always get colds in winter and others do not ? Well our emotional well being is very linked to our physical well being basically you cannot have one working well without the other. When clients come to me and are feeling depressed, often on […]
Nutrition and Mental Health
What we eat is imperative to our mental and physical well being. A large portion of the population are unaware of the affects of nutrients or lack of nutrients on the body and mental health. Are body needs fruit and vegetables on a daily basis to maintain its well being. But what fruit and vegetables […]