I just wanted to write a few words about mental health at the moment, or should I say the majority of peoples poor emotional health in the current climate. I am working with so many people who are really struggling and cannot understand why. If we look at what has been removed from our lives […]
Benefits of exercise on our Mental Health
What Are the Psychological Benefits of Exercise With Depression? Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of regular physical activity. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For […]
Your Triangle
So, what is the triangle and which way up is yours? We are taught by parents and significant others to take care of other people to look after our siblings to be kind to animals, to be a good partner, to look after our grandparents when they are getting old……. and the list goes on. […]
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is experienced by many people. It affects your health much more deeply than just causing morning meeting drowsiness. Your cells repair themselves more rapidly at night time. The body produces higher levels of human growth hormone, which promotes cellular renewal, and your digestive system gets a break.” So if you skip it, you […]