Everybody enters into therapy for a different reason.
This client came initially for counselling and then changed to coaching, when he felt he had dealt with the issues that were holding him back. Sometimes in order to move forward you have to look back initially, to understand the past to then decide and effect change in the future.
“I initially came to see Di for counselling to help me cope with my depression, low Self-Esteem and the stress and worry that seemed to constantly affect me. Even my first session felt like a great weight had been lifted. I felt safe with Di as she helped me make sense of what was happening and together we worked through strategies to help improve things.
I have grown so much in the time I have been with Di that my sessions now are coaching rather than counselling which is allowing me to improve myself in so many areas of life and work. I am becoming a better person as a result for my family, my friends and my career is benefiting too.
I would recommend anyone to try working with Di no matter what level you feel at”.
If your unsure do I need counselling or coaching then book a free initial 30 minute, Skype or phone call to help you decide