Food can consume a part in improving your sleep.
Especially those that contain melatonin, a sleep regulating hormone and calcium, a mineral that helps the brain make melatonin.
This is an example of six varieties of food.
All nuts are a good source of calcium, however almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts in specific contain melatonin-making properties that support a healthy sleep.
Cherries have strong anti-inflammatory properties that help your body repair itself whilst asleep. They also contain melatonin that send message to our body that it’s time to sleep.
Warm Milk:
There are scientific links between the melatonin in milk that improves sleep, there is also the psychological link from your childhood that helps provide the calming effect for a relaxing bedtime.
Filled with magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6, bananas help increase relaxation and produce melatonin to support healthy sleep. They also keep your stomach full to reduce hunger pangs.
A small amount of honey shuts off orexin, the hormone that keeps us alert, promoting relaxation. It also increases melatonin-making compounds to ease a restful sleep.
Eggs are a source of melatonin-producing minerals. They are good as a light snack before bedtime.
All of the above with avoiding caffeine, big meals, alcohol close to bedtime will help you to drift off to sleep a lot quicker