
Case Study

I have been working with a client in Stratford Upon Avon who is experiencing Stress and Anxiety. She has recently moved to Warwickshire and has been experiencing a sense of isolation. I have been seeing her now for 4 sessions and the progress she has made is incredible. We have looked at what triggers her […]


Three Top Tips For Managing Stress

These are only three tips listed below there are many more you can try to help manage your Stress levels; Breathing _Count to 10 and take 10 deep breaths. Gently focus your attention on a place you know where you feel relaxed. Physical Exercise_ Any form of exercise that you enjoy works off negative emotions […]


Work Related Stress

This is a wonderful article one of my clients wrote, for her fellow stressed colleagues after working with myself for one session. Stress ‘Stress? Stress? I don’t have time to be stressed. Other people might have time, but I don’t. I’ve got to work, cook, clean, do the school run, do extra hours, make packed […]

skimming pebble

Fight or Flight Responce to Stress

The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically. The fight-or-flight response was first described in the 1920s by American physiologist Walter Cannon. Cannon realised that a chain of rapidly occurring reactions inside the body […]


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

If you are looking for a good tool to help you with your thought processing often as a result of feelings of anxiety and stress. The Thought Diary Pro is a great app designed to be the second step in changing our thinking patterns by helping individuals identify the thinking errors that they engage in, […]