
Stress Management for Companies

So how do I help my corporate clients? I work with individuals couples and corporates to make changes in their lives to live their lives, not to just get through their lives. I go into corporate companies with a Bespoke package to help educate their staff on Mental Health, Stress Management and in turn to […]


How to make a good habit!

We all want to develop good habits; the ones that will best serve us. We don’t have to remind yourself to eat or brush your teeth it is just a habit. We are very good at formulating bad habits, ones that when we reflect back on, are not helpful or beneficial to our lives. Skipping […]


Three Minute Breathing Space Meditation

This process is available as a written exercise and as a video to suit your preference. Take a few minutes for yourself each day. Step 1: Becoming Aware Deliberately adopt an erect and dignified posture, whether sitting or standing. If possible, close your eyes. Then, bring your awareness to your inner experience and acknowledge it, […]


Working Professionals: Becoming Successful in all Area’s of your Life

Why are some people more successful in certain areas of their lives compared to others? Maybe you know a very successful woman in business whose home life or relationships are a disaster? Maybe you’re successful in business but struggle at home, presenting a perfect home life too as you don’t want to admit failure? I […]

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So What is Mindfulness Meditation?   Mindfulness is the awareness of what is going on within your mind and body or outside in your environment in the present moment, without judgement, simply accepting what is. It is the ability to still the mind, or at least to slow it down for a period of time. Being, not Doing. It […]


Are you married to a Sociopath?

What is a sociopath, you may be wondering? Sociopaths are “people with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour”. They aren’t just rapists or serial killers you see on televisions. They can be more than that and are all around you, disguised as your family members, friends, colleagues, and even someone […]