When we take care of others needs we also fulfill and need in ourselves and others.
How to improve your resilience
resilience and how to improve it
Stress Management and Self Care
We all need to learn how to manage our stress. As a society, we have learnt to become more and more over stretched with what we do and fit into our daily lives. When you learn self-care and understand your physical and emotional well-being is all interlinked, then you can start to manage your stress […]
Working Professionals: Becoming Successful in all Area’s of your Life
Why are some people more successful in certain areas of their lives compared to others? Maybe you know a very successful woman in business whose home life or relationships are a disaster? Maybe you’re successful in business but struggle at home, presenting a perfect home life too as you don’t want to admit failure? I […]
Why set goals…………
Why would you now ant to be the best you can possibly be of yourself. Trying to attain that on your own is hard, however you don’t need to do it on your own. We seek out professionals to help us with all aspects of our lives. However not our psychological and Mental Well-Being. Most […]
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Let me share a story with you: I experienced M.E and it is the most debilitating illness you can imagine. I had to have a lie down when I got out of the shower my memory was totally disjointed and my cognitions were impaired.I could not engage in any of the activities I had previously […]
Are you married to a Sociopath?
What is a sociopath, you may be wondering? Sociopaths are “people with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour”. They aren’t just rapists or serial killers you see on televisions. They can be more than that and are all around you, disguised as your family members, friends, colleagues, and even someone […]
Case Study
I have been working with a client in Stratford Upon Avon who is experiencing Stress and Anxiety. She has recently moved to Warwickshire and has been experiencing a sense of isolation. I have been seeing her now for 4 sessions and the progress she has made is incredible. We have looked at what triggers her […]
Academic Achievement Versus Emotional Well Being
How can a child achieve in School when their emotional well being is not being met? Well the answer is they cannot humans cannot function efficiently if their emotional well being is affected. This means that in order for young people to achieve and be able to cope with the additional pressure many of them […]