
Why go organic

This is an enlightening article from Women’s Health Magazine about the health and nutritional benefits of going organic!! We as a society are becoming more and more aware of the health risks from pesticides in our foods however they not only have a detrimental affect on our physical but also our mental well-being While going […]


Smoothies and depression

“While I had wanted to try making smoothies in the past, I never had enough motivation to do so. The benefits were not immediately apparent, but over a period of a few days I noticed I suddenly felt a lot more awake than I was used to, as well as having additional energy for both exercise and […]


Being the mother of a teenager

A testimonial from a mother who sought support for her daughter who was transitioning from being a child to an adult. “It’s increasingly tough transitioning from childhood to adulthood with all the trials and tribulations of embarking on a new education with new independent ways of learning and shifts in friendships/relationships …I consider myself being […]


Love Pots

What are the five love pots? What is your primary love language? When we understand this we fully understand how to be present in a relationship. 1. Quality time 2. Touch 3. Words of affirmation 4. Gifts 5. Acts of service If your partners primary love language is acts of service and yours is touch, […]