
Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is experienced by many people. It affects your health much more deeply than just causing morning meeting drowsiness. Your cells repair themselves more rapidly at night time. The body produces higher levels of human growth hormone, which promotes cellular renewal, and your digestive system gets a break.” So if you skip it, you […]

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So What is Mindfulness Meditation?   Mindfulness is the awareness of what is going on within your mind and body or outside in your environment in the present moment, without judgement, simply accepting what is. It is the ability to still the mind, or at least to slow it down for a period of time. Being, not Doing. It […]


What is a divorce coach

The key to finding a competent divorce coach is researching your coach’s background – What are their expertise what do they specialise in. Whether it’s law, finance or counselling  and deciding if it will lend itself to helping you navigate your divorce. Some divorce coaches only have experience of being divorced themselves. Now do not […]


Are you married to a Sociopath?

What is a sociopath, you may be wondering? Sociopaths are “people with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour”. They aren’t just rapists or serial killers you see on televisions. They can be more than that and are all around you, disguised as your family members, friends, colleagues, and even someone […]


The Pots!!!!

Pots I ask you what do you do for self-care? What is self-care you ask? I was not taught that at school, I was taught Maths, English, Science even Religious Education but not self-care, what is it? Well, let me share with you one of the world’s best kept secrets. If you visualise metaphorically you […]



When clients are stressed or depressed medication may assist in helping the client to cope initially. However long term changes have to be made in the clients life to ensure a full recovery. Why were they forced to seek medication in the first place? Why have they become depressed/ stresses? These underlying issues need to […]